Newport had the pleasure of hosting 3 tables at this year's Chemical Industries Association (CIA) Annual Dinner at the Grosvenor Hotel, Park Lane on November 16th. Our clients and our colleagues participated in this important annual event, providing us with the opportunity to entertain and network with amazing people, and celebrate the successes of the chemical industry and those within it.

About the event

Every year, the CIA Annual Dinner hosts a guest speaker, with Jeremy Vine, British television and radio personality, being the after-dinner speaker for this year's event. Being in the presence of fantastic company, and listening to stories and insights from influential voices, our team and guests had an unforgettable evening. We only get the chance to connect in such a setting once a year and it is always a delight to take the opportunity to do so.

We thank those who attended the CIA Annual Dinner with Newport Industries and look forward to participating in the next annual event.